2007-08-13 // 21:12:06
well i couldn't really see the bro-am part so yeah.
and i can't believe you think he is ugly poor wesley.

oh i didnt realize "bro am" was so blurred.
wesley is ew ew ew.

2007-08-13 // 05:22:46
how long have you had that switchfoot shirt???
i haven't seen it.
i like this polaroid.
and all the other ones of course.

p.s. - wesley jensen{sp} is kind of a cutie

i got it at the bro-am...
you know since it says,
"switchfoot bro am"

and oh em gee EW..
wesley jensen is SO ugly...
oh my gosh....
the guy on the keys (tyler) was cute.
but wesley was *gag*