2007-07-10 // 00:01:46
how did you reproduce the original neagtive ?

I scanned the negatives and shot them from the screen

2007-06-27 // 04:49:52
sorry for the blind quote...that was 'beck' ;)

2007-06-26 // 17:10:16
I love the fact that Spain is not "European".

I think the middle one opened a dog kennels and sometimes secretly slept outside in a wire hutch and ate the same food as the dogs. But that's just a hunch.

You say that because of the way she's eating whatever she's eating in the pictures. She really looks like eating dog food secretly. She also looks like licking other people's wound scabs while they're sleeping.

2007-06-26 // 16:28:13
I wonder where they all are now. Bald. Potbellied. Wearing bad glasses. Do they still know each other? Probably not, unless they're related.
They must be more than 60 years old, so you must be right. Somehow i'm convinced the one on the right emigrated in the late sixties to work in Germany or France and came back without any money, but a snob european wife that didn't like the village and made him and his two snob daughters move to the city. And i know the girl must have exactly the same face, only a bit older. The left kid is a mystery to me, maybe he became a goat shepard or a writer. But only the two on the left are still friends, i know that for sure by their body language.

2007-06-26 // 14:42:08
Love not ony the shot but the words which accompany it
Thank you very much!

2007-06-26 // 05:21:36
excellent polaroid repro

2007-06-26 // 03:56:23
damn. very deep. very true. love this shot


That's a big complimment, thank you!

2007-06-26 // 03:39:44
what a crew...i agree with you- "time is a piece of wax, thats melting on a termite, thats choking on a splinter"...ha :)

+great shot, maybe i will meet these people someday, some time

Who knows? Thank you, Mr. Patrick_winfield. Where's the quotation from?

2007-06-26 // 03:32:13
wonderful vintage coloring.