2007-06-04 // 17:36:31
funny, good n cool. . .
amusant, bien n cool. . .

I vote & fave, even if I can't do french!

you're welcome! Thanks.

2007-05-23 // 20:40:06
I've read about both the new Coen and the new Moore. Looks good! You're lucky to be attending (and I'm just a little bit jealous). Are you still there? They're not wrapping it up until saturday, right?

2007-05-23 // 12:46:56
Polas in polas are great. Maybe you should sign up for the Infinity-project ( »link )?

How is Cannes this far? Seen anything you're willing to recommend?

I'll look at this project. I've seen to great movie at Cannes, "No country for old men" and "Sicko", I recommend it to you especially the coen one. The anniversary projectin was also very great with short movies of three minutes from popular director( as Kitano, Polanski...). It was my first Cannes and I'd really like it!