2007-04-18 // 18:01:46
i always told you you should be writing books.....this is a totally engaging story....consider writing a collection of short papa stories..."My Children Remember: Tales of a Viennese Dad" or "The Daddy Diaries"...i would pay to read your accounts....you are really really good...and english is not your first language...you must be even more hilarious in german!! (but....no memoires of the weddings and sifies...nonono...).

p.s. i hope luci saw this story....it is just what he was asking for...connnection with his gramps...and he is SMOKING CIGARETTES now!!!!!!! bleech.

hey sifey!
good to see you here too once again, you made yourself quite rare lately.
welcome back, old globetrotter!
and yeah, funny that lucy was asking for a story the same moment I had written it.
seems smoking doesn't do the lil rascal's ears and eyes good.
gonna spank him - but you gotta have mercy upon him, I admit I neglected my gramps obligations during the last months.
(ok, I admit it were years)

2007-04-18 // 13:26:11
bl?de wenn alle verantwortlichen m?nner sind.
mein angebot mit dem anteil an der firma steht noch immer... :P

ja das klingt nach genialer loesung!
das einzige problem ist, dass aufnahmebedingung fuer firmenbeteiligung is, dass du dein spatzi in xposed hochlaedst, da hamma alle durch muessen.
an dieser huerde sind schon einige anwaerterinnen gescheitert - bloed irgendwie, hab ich dem doc eh schon gsagt dass das bloed war. aber er sagt es is so teuer den gesellschaftsvertrag umschreiben zu lassen, das sind dann wieder notarkosten und die ganzen stempelmarken und so weiter...
ja, bloede irgendwie, hast ja so recht.
trotzdem viel glueck!
ich halt dir ganz fest die daumen.

2007-04-18 // 13:14:12
i do use light blue toilet paper ... do I get a better chance to become your ... okay ... let's say wife #100
please see my reply to frau derFuchs.

...and change the "you nul" into a "du nudel"

2007-04-18 // 12:58:17
Supa story, supa daddy.
I know myself too well to thank you for the second.
but thanx for the first!

(both of you, like usual - I'm totally openminded)

2007-04-18 // 11:54:49
My word, what a great story! If you were not already my brotha from anotha mutha I would have to adopt you as my Dad! You must be one of the cooolest dads in the world!

thanx, cambodeary.
I'm certainly a dad who is glad that his kids cant read (or *write* - oh gosh what an idea!) english good enuff until now.
and that their mom doesn't visit this site too often.
so I can keep up the "cool daddy" phantasy...
but what do I tell *you* about reality with the kiddies?
you know it all, brotha!
; )

2007-04-18 // 09:58:56
You're so nice ! I don't want to boast but yes, this chocolate hat was perfect. Please excuse my annoyed appearance, but it's really hard to stand 12 seconds in a chocolate egg without make a move... (have you ever tried that ?)
I'm gonna make this toiletpaper self to show you the true #99 !

2007-04-18 // 09:46:07
Thank you my Dear, i think this event deserves a Pola... ;)
mon dieu!
its getting bettah and bettah
just wanted to have a look how my wife#99 looks like (not that I would put any importance onto such superficial details) and checked your "me" images.
and realized that it was you on the wondaful runnerup project picture!
(big congrats again, btw - thankgod this was *befofe* our marriage, dont want any prejudice allegations)
you are jawdroppingly gorgeous!
and that sweet hat suits you so well.
can't believe my luck!

2007-04-18 // 09:39:27
Absolutly irresistable accent ! "Je le veux" too.
what a wondaful start of this day
gonna decorate my laptop with a couple of toiletpaper garlands now to keep that reverie-ish smile on my face all day.

merci mouchi

2007-04-18 // 09:07:05
#99 ? What a great number ! But I thought you had much more loved women here... ! So if you agree, I will be the #99, paper-toilet novel lover.... Such an envied title !
ok, deal.

"Oui je le voeux"

(solemny spoken)

(and please dont laugh about my accent)

2007-04-18 // 08:57:45
Oh yeah i've read it ! The whole 33 (yes, 33) meters, and i don't regret it ! I don't have a lot of patience usually but I wanted to know the end.... ! Hope you wil make lots of these "paper-toilet" novels like this one.
will you stop saying such things!
dont you know how easily I'm flattered?
you want me to fall in love with one more woman on this site?
(you would be #99)

(nice number actually, what do you say?)

; )

2007-04-18 // 08:41:37
Great pola and even better storie !
you read it?
the whole 32 meters?
(the blue stripe reminds me of those toilet-paper novels btw)
I'm impressed!
thought nobody would have so much patience.

thanx mucho, Mouchi!

2007-04-18 // 01:58:59
wei? auch nicht, man k?nnts mal den verantwortlichen sagen, dass es hier storynoide leutoide gibtoid, dieoid gernoid storyoiden erz?hlioden w?roiden.

bei gelegenheit werd ich mir sogar das ganze mal durchlesen :)

edit: jetzt zum beispiel :)concert hin oder her. die kiddies und du werdens lang ned vergessen :D

noe, das werma sicha ned vergessen.
war was fuers leben, soviel is mal klar.
und ausserdem hamma imma was zum lachen wennma coldplay hoeren jetzt (kann ja eh ned schaden bei den traurigen heulsusen)

und das mit den verantwortlichen kamma vergessen.
die seite hatte vor deiner zeit sogar mal einen blog bereich, der hat aber dann dem xposed platz machen muessen.
maenner sind schweine, was sollma machen.
(sind leider alles maenner die doofen verantwortlichen)

2007-04-17 // 23:14:13
testest du die max. l?nge der bildbeschreibungen? :D

oh jetzt wirds spannend :D

was soll ich tun, wenn diese bescheurte website keinen blog oder bereich zum geschichten erzaehlen hat?
ich hoer mich halt so gern reden.