2007-02-06 // 09:21:22
Could be here in Amsterdam too, very nice!
thanks! i sooo need to check out amsterdam. sadly, i've never been.

2007-01-11 // 03:25:04
i love this, alot! i know its not in london but it makes me feel like i am back there.
london is a great city. sadly, i haven't been there in years. thanks for the comment. =]

2007-01-10 // 04:07:31
takes this platform back a few decades when you show it like this. can't help but love the metro.
fer sure six. i'm constantly amazed at the historical transformation that occurs with the black and white...almost regardless of if the shot is actually any good or not. on an semi-irrelevant note, though i can't help but think sometimes, this is how dogs see. weird.