2007-03-13 // 18:01:59
seems that I forgot to vote on the 12-12-06
but I did now ;)

2007-02-03 // 03:42:14
make that 12. i thought i voted back when i faved it. oopsies. oh and thanks again for the rickety old town advice.

2007-02-03 // 02:02:21
man, i really want to. it's the weekend of the 10th, right? our presence will be determined by how much homework i have [and if im going to do it], when or if i get the job i had applied for, and the condition of my car [and how gas-efficient it wants to be]. im crossing my fingers.
Yeah, the 10th. The great thing about this pic is all the comments. .. 27 so far. . .who woulda thunk the lil fish would have been such an instigator? And 11 SOTD votes! That's absurd!
If u can make it, great. We'll make it an annual event, tho' so there may be other opportunities.

2007-02-03 // 01:00:02
tod brilliant, you must be psychic because i had recently moved woodland to the top of my list. mainly because oliver is kind of from there [he doesnt like telling people] and he knows where all the bars and cool hangouts for the weirdos are. woodland got extra points because he says there might even be a chance that a meth pipe will get thrown at us by -what im hoping to be - a sketchy hobo. thanks for the suggestion. oh, and ive been in davis and i totally got the boring vibe as soon as i hit the 113. college towns are usually lame.
well there you go! woodland . . . well, i lived on the corner of the fairgrounds for a couple of years. . .is a very strange bird. Strange good and strange bad.

Y'all gonna make it down for the LA confab?

2007-02-02 // 19:32:51
Davis is b-o-r-i-n-g. Trust me. Totally sterile town. Next door to Davis, however is the amazing WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA. Far more character. . .from sketchy nasty to beautiful homes. . . Woodland and Davis are only ten miles apart, to boot. Try Woodland. ..

2007-02-02 // 13:04:53
hmm. 2-3 hours at the most in any direction from san jose. some places that i have under consideraation are ones around either davis or sonoma. last time i went driving around santa cruz, so this time im planning on heading north [most likely], west or east.
Davis is b-o-r-i-n-g. Trust me. Totally sterile town. Next door to Davis, however is the amazing WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA. Far more character. . .from sketchy nasty to beautiful homes. . . Woodland and Davis are only ten miles apart, to boot. Try Woodland. ..

2007-02-01 // 13:07:34
i was scouring northern california on google maps for a photo class project- [go to a town youve never been to before and do a sociological survey of the place in pictures - we had the exact same assignment as a midterm last semester] and i came upon chico and remembered your catfish picture [i like it more and more everytime i come and look at it.]
oh, and any suggestions for small photogenic towns?

They're all over the place off the 5 heading north. Seriously, just pick a few on the map and head there. Mostly thrashed, low income, lots of chickens in yards and flags - both U.S. and Mexican. I try to hit a different one each time I drive to L.A.. Fresno, as well. What is your driving range?

2007-01-17 // 21:55:53
yepp. I can listen to catfishes even when they are on a polaroid!

2007-01-15 // 11:35:47
catfish´s swimming in the sky....take care about the big big clouds coming from northwest!!
Do you have a secret technique for knowing that this pic faces NW? Impressive!

2007-01-08 // 09:52:14
that's ill.

2007-01-07 // 02:05:15
great shot!
very cinematographic!

Thanks, Rafael - I'll miss this film when it's all gone!

2006-12-26 // 13:20:02
I forgot my vote &f,, great picture &concept..A+ to compos

2006-12-26 // 13:18:09
hi, big fish!! one month ago (probably) you asked me "What kind of camera are you looking for? I find them all the time" (look my Gb)
so I hoped "mmm...a new sx 70!!" :-)....I hoped for some news
>>now my old sx 70 is out of order,,, I asked a new camera to Santa but he drink like a fish & he never understood me
..so my big fish!!! can you find a polaroid sx 70, in good condition , that I can buy from you? please merry christmas to you, big fish :-) filippo

I have another question for you

2006-12-19 // 07:04:21
This is a wonderful tribute to those "big" icons everywhere, nice capture!

2006-12-17 // 10:04:12
wow i havent seen it previously.. the fish is suerb! fav +vote
Thanks, ZZ!!!!

2006-12-15 // 09:29:01
oh! and i finished the painting. not the entire series, but most of it. ill send you what i have so far sometime soon.

2006-12-15 // 09:28:15
not at all. haha the photo was pretty.... drab, to say the least. well, it IS the 'Chico News and Review', haha.
also, i felt i needed to research it since it's within reasonable driving distance and i have always dreamt, since childhood, to gaze upon a giant metal catfish on a stick in person.

Well, there you have it. Chico also has the nation's second largest municipal park, some tens of thousands of acres of hiking, swimming, trekking, you name it - Bidwell Park. It's vast and amazing. . .so there are reasons to visit the wee town. . .

2006-12-14 // 10:10:46
Damned fine research, Micaela! Alas, the professional photgrapher didn't do the fish justice, now did he?

2006-12-13 // 21:38:33
Looks so surreal. I like that.

(I bet it doesn't look all that interesting in RL, but it does in this picture, and that's what counts. Hmmm, SX-70 film!!)

NO! It DOES look that interesting in real life, maybe even more because one can spot all the rust and aging of the strange creature!

2006-12-13 // 14:36:03
Dear god, it has come to this already? Thanks for accentuating the fall from grace. I can always count on you, Norah, for a good hard shove in the small of the back. . . especially when there is an open spiked pit just before me.

2006-12-12 // 23:37:17
great big fish looking up! (vot!!)

2006-12-12 // 21:10:26
I love this film, more than any shot. But, darling this shot is genial. I want one of this near home!
Do you have a giant catfish near your home? I don't think this will fit in a package to send you, as it's easily 4 meters in length. . . probably weighs at least 300kg as well. So sorry!

2006-12-12 // 12:32:46
Wooow! 6blue10 !! this pola is fantastic! get my vote here! XXX
really? that's awfully nice. . . i think it's a funny shot after the last!

2006-12-12 // 10:33:51
i like it!
Many thanks. I've never understood the piece, but it has never failed to make me smile. A bit farther down the road is a Mexican restaurant with a sign that says "HONK IF YOU CAN'T STOP". Naturally, I honk with abandon.

2006-12-12 // 08:39:14
but don't forget all the nails ...
they must be out there ... I'm pretty sure ... enough for 20 arks and at least enough to crucify 50 fake Messiahs ;)

The fakes are inconsequential. We have to snuff them in order to get at the real deal. If we don't make martyrs, we'll have no zealots. . .it's simple business, really. Maybe we can start using the nails. . . hmm. . .a new movement of picking off faux-martyrs using religious artifacts as the weapons of choice. I'm thinking we may have created a great new comic book character.

2006-12-12 // 08:31:27
A relict after the Flood?
Gosh, wonder what happened to Noah and his ark ;)

Well, as you know, the Turks are hoarding that wee boat up on Ararat. . .tho' I keep buying tiny slivers as 'relics' along with slivers of the cross. I am confident that I will buy enough to one day reconstruct both and put this fish back home.

2006-12-12 // 08:30:32
It's not so sexy... :)
Geez! I'm so sorry! Heh. Have I already pigeon-holed myself???? Aargh!! I don't know. . the lips are big and soft looking, no?