2007-07-13 // 01:58:27
krazy kat. well done. all of them.

2007-04-13 // 07:40:50
So soft and silly. And definately cute. Makes me wants to snuzzle my face into the kitty's little fluffy belly! Bella!
Aw. Careful, though. His belly is off-limits - he tends to be quite protective of it ;-)

2007-01-26 // 10:50:33
it deserves to be sotd -
it is the greatest pet pola i ve ever seen
he almost looks like a cartoon character

Mouse has a little bit of cartoon character in him, it's true. And you exaggerate shamelessly, but I like it all the same. Merci beaucoup!

2007-01-04 // 03:25:06
awwwww mouse! (how cute) now if you could please take the damm flah out of his face so he can get some rest. sheesh.

2006-12-06 // 11:50:05
obwohl ich kattzen überhaupt nicht mag, blieb mir nichts anderes übrig als zu voten ... es ist einfach toll ;)
Danke Dir. Mouse ist ja auch nicht irgend eine Katze und ich bin nicht irgend ein Photograph. *hust* Gut, manchmal steigen mir Kommentare dann doch auch zu Kopf :-P

2006-11-30 // 10:06:43
ahaha. it looks like you stuffed him in a scanner.
That would be an ill-advised move. If you ever want to experience the gory splendor and the vicious fury displayed by Linda Blair in the original Exorcist then try to do something to Mouse that is against his will. It took the veterinary assistant at Mouse's vet about five rather tumultuous and painful Mouse appointments until he mastered the art of holding Mouse against his will without getting scratched badly.

2006-11-26 // 16:37:44
Yammi Smolka
I love it.big laughter in here, thanks!!!
Ah, thank you. I guess you don't sleep like Mouse does? The paw across the forehead etc.

2006-11-26 // 05:02:23
Very nice serie!
Merci Antoine. Dabbling a bit with photographic domesticity here :-)