2006-02-16 // 16:51:07
I love this one! You're the Master of close-up! This Textronic was a great discover. I love the texturation and abstraction treatment that close-up give to ordinary things! Like i always say to you: Endlessly great, Mr. AP!
Thank you very much Urizen...keep an eye out for them, they sometimes come up on ebay (and sometimes quite cheap, although the postage is a killer!)

2006-02-16 // 09:29:58
ignore my comment in your gb...

these are very interesting! gears to WHAT? hard to tell without perspective!

Thanks, sorry Bonnie, I haven't given much in the way of clues, have I? It's of the rear derailer gears of a bicycle...not very obvious in the first two, but you can make out the spokes of the wheel in the last image, which was the best capture of the lot IMHO...
I will be takeing more of course!