2006-10-23 // 09:44:35
Uhm...how do I put this delicately? Socks to bed? Err...ok, I won't start. At first I misread the title as "split tea dilemma" and I was wondering for a moment what split tea would taste like (thinking of split pea soup, if you know what that tastes like.)

Oh, and I wanted to scream TEA CROTCH and run away quickly!

LOL ulf!
Split/Split tea, yes - when I first typed it I thought I had mistyped it! It's one of those words easily misread I think...I don't mind split pea soup, but only occasionaly - it's rather filling. Socks to bed...yes, I know, not very romantic or sexy!

2006-10-21 // 22:38:02
I love your socks. Do you keep them to sleep?
Only on really cold nights!

2006-10-21 // 22:14:24
hahaha lovely story :-)
who keppt the kids? :-)

Ah...that was the amazing Grandma (my mum)! I'm glad you liked the story LiA