2007-05-02 // 13:30:25
of course it's not a big deal : D I just can't pass up the chance to throw a few polaroid factoids around now and then : D nice family shot
Thanks reddude, I know what you mean ;-)>
Also it never hurts to have the right information, there's so much disinformation on the www it's good to reinforce the accurate factoids.
I'll have to edit my data (and quiz Mum about when this shot was actually taken)!

2007-05-01 // 22:09:05
the one step camera hit the market in 1977, the SX-70 film hit the market in 1972.
err... thanks man. I just knew this shot was taken in the 70's, it's not that big a deal is it?

2005-09-09 // 18:22:23
ho, that's so cool!