2006-07-14 // 16:04:30
I think that you are able to laugh about your own, but i mean the pic for real!!

Sunny greetings from germany!!

2006-07-14 // 09:00:52
An amazing shot!!!
Seems strange to me.

Fat pic!!!

Thanks buddy...strange and fat...that's me!! (or should that be phat?)

2006-07-13 // 22:14:39
No, I take that back. I meant "whilar".
I like whilar too, suits the mood far better don't you think?

2006-07-13 // 22:14:15
Sorry, I meant "whilst".

2006-07-13 // 22:13:09
This is, of course, the classic PFIS collander posture that you are demonstrating here. The finger positioning is absolutely faultless, I give you that. But you are only showing part of the story. Let's be honest: some of us take a more "cavalier" stance in private. (I, for one, like to raise my pinkie and scratch a retired, freshly greased lobster behind the ear whilar gaily humming "I'm think I'm moving to Montana soon").

Ooohhhh - now you're just trying to make me jealous with all that talk of greased lobster! Oh it's been years since I've had a retired, freshly greased lobster behind my ear....ahhh, those were the days!
Thanks Esther.Z

2006-07-13 // 18:43:16
I didn't realize that card-carrying PFIS membership extended to kitchen utensil handling conduct. You are a cheeky bunch!
You better believe it!! Being a member of the PFIS permeates all aspects of one's daily living, including the handling of everyday items like collanders, whisks, spoons and of course, cameras!
(Thanks btw ulf, for giving me a chance to explain these things)

2006-07-13 // 18:30:27
Is that how one holds a collander? I had no idea.
It's the PFIS way to hold a collander Ulf!