

monsterhooey   1/ 3

Member: monsterhooey
Located: PortlandUS
Age: 38
Birthday: May 09.

Likes: art, tea, architecture, coffee table books, filmmaking, apple computers, music videos, portland & seattle, silhouettes, new socks

About Me:
Very new to Polaroids, but I'm just having fun experimenting on my free time. Recently purchased the SX-70 but hasn't been shipped to my place yet.

I've recently graduated from art school studying film & video, and I'd like to continue messing around with Polaroids, Holga, & other film mediums in our increasing pixelated photoworld.

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monsterhooey (Portland, US)Member since (2008-01-22) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,697/8,285) News Posts (0) Uploads (23)