

jdeehr   0/ 0

Member: jdeehr
Located: ManhattanUS
Age: 47
Birthday: Nov 07.

About Me:
Name: Jason Deehr

Age: Timeless

Location: Originally from Sheboygan, Wisconsin, now in Manhattan, Kansas

Current Photography Equipment: Canon Digital Rebel, Frogeye (underwater), Fisheye 2, Polaroid, Mamiya medium format (2), Holga 120mm, and various lenses to include USM.

Inspirations: David Lynch, Andy Warhol, The Alien movies, film in general, 70's cinema, polaroids, minimalist portraits, colorful backdrops, and whatever other flavor of the month I might be into.

I may have a bachelors degree in fine art photography, but I enjoy art in it's many forms. I have dabbled in screenwriting, movie making, animation, illustration, drawing, painting and even ceramics. I am open to all art. At this time my passions lie in 3D animation, photography and digital art. Hit me up anytime.

jasonpd1976 (Yahoo) (email) 785.313.6551 (cell/text)

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jdeehr (Manhattan, US)Member since (2008-01-18) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (576/1,569) News Posts (0) Uploads (19)