

..befriended by 1 noidies
zinjalord   1/ 1

Member: zinjalord
Located: LondonGB
Age: 41
Birthday: Nov 17.

Likes: polaroids, singing

About Me:
I am a singer songwriter, living in London, Cambridge, and Haverhill UK. I love Polaroid, it's the ultimate protest against infinite reproducability, and it's gorgeous.

My first shots are on 600CL, but now i own an SX70 Alpha and an SLR680, so there is much variety to be found!

Nice URL's:
J G Harding website and Blog

3 (Entries)
zinjalord (London, GB)Member since (2007-11-08) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,292/5,411) News Posts (3) Uploads (28)