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pocaire_gaoithe   3/ 4

Member: pocaire_gaoithe
Located: VenturaUS
Age: 38
Birthday: Dec 09.

Likes: texture, wind, drones, atmospheric discharge, birds of prey, burning billboards, desolation, dreamlands, explossive chaparral, impalement squirts, manala, medievalia, natural & folklore, midwinter, source, vision

About Me:
"life wants to climb and to overcome itself climbing."

"steadily he approaches the point where what is unknown is not a mere black space in a web of words but a window in the mind, a window whose name is not ignorance but wonder."

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pocaire_gaoithe (Ventura, US)Member since (2007-09-19) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,471/11,209) News Posts (0) Uploads (92)