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Member: edit_oedipus
Located: Brooklyn, NYUS
Age: 33
Birthday: May 23.

Likes: documentaries, color, light, laughter, exploration

About Me:

Nearly a life long user of instant film and experimental light capture techniques. I employ photography in order to challenge notions of truth, commonly associated with the indexical image making process. An integral part of my process (pun intended) involves “hacking" film formats and cameras, creating unique images conveyed against their manufacturers’ intention.
For recent and available works, reference my website: Sharon Steven's Film Photography
In 2018 I founded Brooklyn Instant Film Initiative, a custom camera film operation that produces Grid Film in Brooklyn, New York.

Nice URL's:
Film Store

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edit_oedipus (Brooklyn, NY, US)Member since (2007-09-16) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (4,969/34,711) News Posts (0) Uploads (186)