

mikeodonoghue   1/ 2

Member: mikeodonoghue
Located: KorneuburgAT
Age: 76
Birthday: Feb 05.

Likes: music, reading, polaroid photography, my kids, internet, large format photography

About Me:
Born in Vienna, raised and damaged in/by the USA, back in Austria since 1972, with a year's stay in Rome.

Use Pol 4x5 sheet and pack film. Prefer working in the landscape to the city. Have used the Technika since the 1980s when I picked one up used with a number of lenses and accessories.

Mostly use Type 54 and 55 along with Tri-x. So one exposure takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 minutes all in.

Distressing how Pol films seem to be disappearing. Heard the 20x24" BW material is on its way out. Saw some 20x24 portraits at Westlicht Gallery in Vienna and was blown away.... That said, 20x24 contact prints are also things of great loveliness....

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mikeodonoghue (Korneuburg, AT)Member since (2007-08-11) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,652/15,140) News Posts (0) Uploads (123)