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Member: platinumblonde
Located: New York CityUS
Age: 42
Birthday: Jan 10.
Email: platinumblondelife5@mac.c..

Likes: summer, music, drawing, photography, reading, new york, writing, dogs, painting, art & design

About Me:
I live in NYC, but grew up in a small town in Iowa
I'm a farmer's daughter
I'm a natural blonde
I'm a fashion/style/design blogger
I'm a freelance writer & artist
I have a beagle named Sophia Loren
I just want to laugh my way through life.
I love drawing, painting, and photography
I am constantly searching for a creative outlet.

Nice URL's:
my flickr
Platinum Blonde Life
One Girl Show art journal

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platinumblonde (New York City, US)Member since (2007-07-20) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,319/4,152) News Posts (0) Uploads (20)