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Member: pasteful
Located: NordhornDE
Age: ±57

Likes: movies, veggie food, filmmaking, cameras (non-digital only), jean-loup sieff, thierry le goučs, magnum, world press photo, any format from 8x11 mm to 6x6 cm, and a lot more

About Me:
The drama of our times: I'm still workin' on discovering anything good about digital photography, but haven't succeeded yet.

And the truth is: I really don't want to.

The whole issue is all over-exposured (to stick to an idiom of reference) cos you can't do anything digitally that hasn't been there before -- as long as you strive for authentic images created in camera, that is.

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pasteful (Nordhorn, DE)Member since (2007-06-18) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,100/5,855) News Posts (0) Uploads (27)