

..befriended by 33 noidies
chinako   1/ 5

Member: chinako
Located: Los AngelesUS
Age: 44
Birthday: Dec 08.

Likes: music, daydreaming, mismatched socks, sad love songs

About Me:
i'm awkward. i like eating ice cream for dinner. i listen to public radio. i'm pretty sure i'm irish. i was bored at work, so i got ordained to be a minister on the internet. those geico commercials freak me out. i trim my own bangs. i carry 3 cell phones and 2 pagers at all times, but mostly, i like to be left alone. i live in a trailer on top of a hill. i bop around to the music in my head.

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chinako (Los Angeles, US)Member since (2007-05-21) Awards (8) Visitors/PixViews (2,936/73,311) News Posts (0) Uploads (108)