

..befriended by 5 noidies
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Member: radio9x
Located: Port TownsendUS
Age: 69
Birthday: Jul 07.

Likes: polaroids, cooking, guitars, typography, writing, old stuff, ice cream, vintage cameras, synthesizers, calligraphy, molly, inclement weather, hard rain, incense, breve, candles, zoom zoom cars, minitures, classic toys, a clean house, mysterous boxes, old musical instruments, broad edge pens old and new, you when you are nice, me when i dont think to much, kitchen stuff, anything older then me, books lots of books, nice people, chunky monkey, art supply stores, wood working tools, more when i remeber

About Me:
Who is Chip Marks
Chip Marks is artist, photographer, video producer, writer and musician living in Elkhart Kansas. He works as a Creativity Coordinator for a communications company in southwest Kansas. All of his life has been spent in the pursuit of creativity, art and music. For many years a Calligrapher and lettering artist with the advent of computers he jumped into the digital realm of design and art. Featured in magazines and many other places his work continues to inspire many artists and non artists alike. His internet home of Triberadio has been a favorite internet destination for many artist. For inspiration or for now internationally known Photoshop brushes, Triberadio continues to draw more people everyday. Below are what some people including his sister have to say.

Nice URL's:
Chip Marks
Chips Blog

3 (Entries)
radio9x (Port Townsend, US)Member since (2007-03-17) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (4,287/14,025) News Posts (3) Uploads (46)