Member: princesssfi ♀
Located: Blue Mountains, AU
Age: 36
Birthday: Jun 20.
polaroids, music, books, photography, coffee, poetry, typography, japan, darkrooms, nutmeg
About Me:
I am a design student - that is, I study design! Its been a looong time since I updated this site, and a whole stack of polaroids since then!
I have 5 polaroid cameras currently, 3 of them work. I think. I'm tending towards pack film as a future because its easier to get in Oz. My local shop just sold out of 600 and I don't want to sell my kidneys on ebay to get more...
I love photography, all forms. At the moment, Polaroid is my sole lover. Effectively. It takes a lot of my money, and my time, and my heart. I have an sx-70 (2 - so classic and useful!) and a coolcam (so retro!) and a colorpack II (so versatile!)
I can only get 600 film, with the occasional purchase of sweets and goodness from unsaleable. apart from that, I use fuji with my colorpack to get in practice for the 125i I have sitting in the frridge. And ID-UV, the new love of my life.
i'm so very very sad that polaroid will fade into oblivion. it makes me hurt a little inside.
Nice URL's:
my dA gallery