

MarkusEHofmann   1/ 1

Member: MarkusEHofmann
Located: LondonGB
Age: 56
Birthday: Jun 16.

Likes: a sense of purpose in life

About Me:
I started playing around with cameras when I was thirteen and got a pocket camera for my birthday. Bought my first polaroid in 2001, maybe it was 2000, and fell in love with the SX-70. I was amazed by the pictures this and the SLR 680 produced. I got into lomography as well with the LC-A, Lubitel and Holga, also got myself a Smena (omg!), as well as more "serious" cameras like the Mamiya m645 (beautiful machine!). I was very active on the Lomo US photosharing website in the early 2000's; this was a great place to share photos with members from all over the place, but not as huge and anonymous as flickr is these days, more like a large family, good times. I was in Germany at the time and film and processing was quite cheap. Moved back to Britain in 2003 and it all changed with much higher costs for everything. Sadly my SLR 680 broke soon after, and film for the SX-70 was unavailable or too expensive. If anyone knows of a cheap way of obtaining film please let me know. My SX-70 is in great condish and I'd love to use it again one of these days.

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MarkusEHofmann (London, GB)Member since (2012-01-08) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (391/5,054) News Posts (0) Uploads (27)