

..befriended by 13 noidies
Roscoe   1/ 2

Member: Roscoe
Located: VancouverCA
Age: 49
Birthday: Feb 20.

Likes: music, polaroid, films, painting, super 8mm, guinness

About Me:
Polaroids mattered when I got a hasselblad a long time ago. Back then it was only about checking the exposure then throwing them away. Nowadays, I have a huge appreciation and passion for everything instant. The past few years I've been big on going out with my Graflex and shooting 53,55,79,59 and whatever else I can shoot with. It's a magical thing instant photography, and I feel great that I have enough film in my fridge to keep going for years to come.

Take care.

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Roscoe (Vancouver, CA)Member since (2011-03-18) Awards (15) Visitors/PixViews (4,386/82,870) News Posts (0) Uploads (325)