

johnrunning   1/ 2

Member: johnrunning
Located: Altoona, IAUS
Age: 84
Birthday: Nov 19.

Likes: music, art, photography, movies, grand canyon, river rafting

About Me:
ohn Running has lived in Flagstaff, Arizona for the past 45 years. He has been
making photographs for advertising, design and editorial clients for over 40 years. He
specializes in photographing people on location or in the studio. His photographs stand
out because they have a style that is personally creative and graphically strong. Give
him 1/125th of a second and he will give you so much more.

Nice URL's:
Genetic Imprints

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johnrunning (Altoona, IA, US)Member since (2010-12-25) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,067/22,021) News Posts (0) Uploads (54)