

isaacwt   1/ 3

Member: isaacwt
Located: NottinghamGB
Age: 32
Birthday: Aug 10.

Likes: polaroids, music, sunshine, nintendo, glasses, quiet, orange squash, lines, mugs

About Me:
i have been enthralled by the magic of polaroid instant since not too long, but it has definitely been one of my top 5 thoughts since
hopefully i'll be able to add something to this website
if i had more money i'd buy an sx-70, but until then i'll have to do with my trusty izone and 600 P

1 (Entries)
isaacwt (Nottingham, GB)Member since (2009-11-21) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,174/1,499) News Posts (1) Uploads (6)