

ez704   0/ 0

Member: ez704
Located: ???US
Birthday: Jul 04.

Likes: polaroids, music, sun, singing, hippies, learning swahili, brushfire records

About Me:
"One other thing. And that's all. I promise you. But the thing is, you raved and you bitched when you came home about the stupidity of audiences. The goddam 'unskilled laughter' coming from the fifth row. And that's right, that's right- God knows it's depressing. I'm not saying it isn't. But that's none of your business, really. That's none of your business, Franny. An artist's only concern is to shoot for some kind of perfection, and on his own terms, not anyone else's. You have no right to think about those things, I swear to you. Not in any real sense, anyway. You know what I mean?"- Franny and Zooey

Nice URL's:
awk fam photos

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ez704 (???, US)Member since (2009-05-31) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,218/218) News Posts (0) Uploads (39)