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Member: Ginger_sling
Located: New YorkUS
Age: 37
Birthday: Apr 23.

Likes: art, cameras, friends, drinking, video editing, chillin

About Me:
People call me Lil. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, I love it! I'll never move. I draw, I take pics, I make videos. Listen to The Beatles on a daily basis, i was born in the wrong era. That's a fact. I have bad ass friends, and a pretty abnormal life. I love flaws, any imperfections on people as well as photos. I LOVE polaroids, I like to add a little bit of me to every pic i take. Everyone has their own way of taking pic, and I like mine to be bold and loud and fun.


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Ginger_sling (New York, US)Member since (2009-04-25) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,524/10,968) News Posts (1) Uploads (91)