

teepee   1/ 1

Member: teepee
Located: IthacaUS
Age: 35
Birthday: May 14.

Likes: snow, tv on the radio, bare feet, hedgehogs, banjos, pumpkin muffins, cigar boxes, celery green, futbol, handwriting

About Me:
i'm a student at cornell university. i have a pet hedgehog named marie antoinette. i try to play the banjo. i think too much and tend to get in fights when drunk. i've been called brutally honest, but i think there's worse things to be called.

Nice URL's:
natalie dee
slope media
kelly smith
stina persson

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teepee (Ithaca, US)Member since (2009-02-05) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,383/1,022) News Posts (0) Uploads (4)