

..befriended by 2 noidies
gloriathatghost   1/ 7

Member: gloriathatghost
Located: Alexandria, VAUS
Age: 38
Birthday: Aug 01.

Likes: laughing, polaroid, cameras, colors, movies, singing, dancing, painting, my love, my best friend, warm sunny days, delicious food!, sticker photo booths, japan!, love., vacations, visiting, scenery while driving, florida!, et cetera!!!!

About Me:
i'm gloria. i love using my cameras. i travel a lot for work and i try to enjoy all the time off i can get!

Nice URL's:
you should be in mySPACE

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gloriathatghost (Alexandria, VA, US)Member since (2008-08-23) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,357/13,845) News Posts (0) Uploads (67)