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Member: somewhair
Located: BrusselBE
Age: 40
Birthday: Feb 23.

Likes: music, photography, photoshop, writing, movie, japan, creating, apple, graphism, miyazaki

About Me:
Not a photographer, even an amateur one. Photography is for me a way to observe the world around me with a complete different eye.

With a digital camera I learnt about lights. With polaroids, I learnt to discover little but precious things in my everyday life.

I'm just a learner but one day, I'd like to write it down somewhere officialy : I'm a graphist.
For the moment I just like experimenting different ways to create.

Nice URL's:
My Blog

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somewhair (Brussel, BE)Member since (2008-06-30) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,508/8,358) News Posts (0) Uploads (18)