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Pearl   4/ 7

Member: Pearl
Located: BarcelonaES
Age: 42
Birthday: Jan 11.

Likes: flowers in their hair

About Me:
Stuying Cultural Heritage Manegement
I studied History and Archaeology
I sing
I'm trying to learn how to play guitar
I'm the proud owner of a black Sx 70 land camera model 2! I'm a beginner !... I try to take nice photos... I do try ... seriously!
You can also find me on
Stuying Cultural Heritage Manegement
I studied History and Archaeology
I sing
I'm trying to learn how to play guitar
I'm the proud owner of a black Sx 70 land camera model 2! I'm a beginner !... I try to take nice photos... I do try ... seriously!
You can also find me on
Blogger: »link
Lastfm: »link
Flickr: »link
Youtube: »link

Nice URL's:
Eric Auv's photos
The hackers guide to sx 70
How to manipulate polaroid film
Patti Smith

5 (Entries)
Pearl (Barcelona, ES)Member since (2008-01-31) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,552/22,324) News Posts (5) Uploads (90)