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Member: oddballuk
Located: NottinghamGB
Age: 44
Birthday: Aug 31.

Likes: photography, movies, comic books, crime fiction, rock & indie music, cop shows and hbo

About Me:
A little introverted, but I try hard to be social. Pessimistic but always hopeful. Creative but often doubt my ideas. I think alot, maybe too much. I am realistic but like to live in fantasy. A hopeless romantic. Usually quiet but can be very talkative when inspired to be. I try hard but my standards are high.

I love movies... love them! I enjoy reading, music (rock, indie mostly). Into polas of course (thank you Gem), photography in general, visual storytelling (film, art, comics), crime shows/novels (good ones - no CSI).

Friends and family are important to me. My sense of humour is dark, dry, sarcastic with occasional bursts of random kookyness (thank you Homer Simpson). A good laugh can set my day right, a wrong word can ruin it. I wish I wasn't so critical or skeptical. I always want to be a better person.

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oddballuk (Nottingham, GB)Member since (2007-08-26) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,198/16,693) News Posts (3) Uploads (77)