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Member: Ilovethe1970s
Located: Overland ParkUS
Age: 32
Birthday: Aug 16.

Likes: polaroids, music, drawing, photography, movies, sx-70, vintage, tv

About Me:
"Very groovy. Very groovy. See there. I bet nobody ever said that to you."
Well one thing that I can say about myself is that I love the 1970s. I also love photography, especially Polaroids. As of now I have 21 Polaroid cameras. I plan on moving to either Los Angeles or New York to further my photography.

Nice URL's:
My Flickr

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Ilovethe1970s (Overland Park, US)Member since (2007-05-10) Awards (5) Visitors/PixViews (5,508/84,841) News Posts (0) Uploads (420)