

lionrevolt   1/ 2

Member: lionrevolt
Located: US
Age: 33
Birthday: Dec 26.

Likes: music, art, photography, chicago, film

About Me:

I like a lot of things. Polaroids and cereal being two of them. I find the most affordable way to get my hungry hands on Polaroids is to shoplift them from your local drugstore. This becomes a problem if
(a) All the film you want is sold on eBay or on pro-polaroid websites
or (b)..there is no b.

Anyway, I've got my eye on several other cameras and film (most expired) so if you bare with me and sit through all the shots taken with 600 film, I promise future shots with, I hope, new film and cameras.

Nice URL's:
mitch clem comics
vice magazine
ryan pfluger

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lionrevolt (US)Member since (2007-01-07) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,265/2,767) News Posts (0) Uploads (15)