

..befriended by 9 noidies
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Member: photominimal
Located: Nashville TNUS
Age: 56
Birthday: Jan 28.

About Me:
I want to take pictures. Of you.

I am photominimal, and I believe in minor photography. I want to make quiet pictures. This means I prefer to work in natural light, using little in the way of props. My shooting-style encompasses vintage film, polaroid, and pinhole photography.

I am fascinated by the aesthetics of what is concealed and what is not.

Nice URL's:
photominimal on tumblr
photominimal on flickr

2 (Entries)
photominimal (Nashville TN, US)Member since (2012-08-24) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (2,786/8,666) News Posts (2) Uploads (22)