

Lornography   0/ 0

Member: Lornography
Located: New York CityUS
Age: 53
Birthday: Jan 25.

Likes: nyc, polaroid photography, polaroid cameras, polaroid film, lornography

About Me:
Fauxtographer. Modtographer. Lornographer.

Photographer living and working in the NYC/Philly area.

"I am a deeply superficial person." - Warhol

"I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell truths. I tell what ought to be truth."
-Blanche DuBois
A Streetcar Named Desire

Personal interests: Vintage. Retro. Burlesque. Pin-Up. Boudoir. Side Show. Go-Go. Pop Art. Bondage. Fetish. Latex. Can-Can. Geisha. Glam. Rock-a-Billy. Roller Disco. Skate Culture. Haute Couture. Fine Art. Figurative. Mod. Have I left anything out?

Influences (in no particular order): Julia Margaret Cameron, Weegee, Helmut Newton, Avedon, Scavullo, Nan Goldin, Ellen Von Unwerth, David LaChapelle, Erwin Olaf, David "Skip" Sestak (Media Five), Imogen Cunningham, Jim Spillane... they are all GENIUSUS! Look them up!

Nice URL's:
my tumblr
my talenthouse
my fb

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Lornography (New York City, US)Member since (2010-12-11) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,069/1,097) News Posts (0) Uploads (3)