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Member: catartica
Located: Gravina (BA)IT
Age: 40
Birthday: Mar 19.

Likes: literature, photography, cooking, thinking, daydreaming, politics, my ancestors, past, my land, idleness

About Me:
current residence: gravina, but i will move to bari soon for university reasons

current occupation: crochet student :D:D:D

current mood: quite happy

current monetary status: superbroke

current photographic status: no polaroid film (being broke), hate for digital photography, no 35mm photography because of the lack of a darkroom = lots of ideas, no way to make them true

current daily life: i'm into political activism more than ever, i go to crochet lessons, i drink a lot of beer, i go to the sea, i do the happy farmer, i read and study a lot, i cure my stray cat micettino/ciccillino, who's got FELV and FIV.

to do list: move to bari, buy a packfilm camera and a holga, set up my own darkroom, start a revolution and save the world.

a hug to everybody and sorry for this long hiatus, but i have no photos to show, while looking at yours would make me too envious:)

Nice URL's:
My deviantART gallery
My flickr photostream

37 (Entries)
catartica (Gravina (BA), IT)Member since (2006-06-30) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (6,532/29,690) News Posts (37) Uploads (54)