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Member: Umpsie
Located: ()IE
Age: 37
Birthday: Feb 17.

Likes: music, photography, film, reading, dancing, french fancies, capri sun, sugarless tea, scary stories, when strange things happen

About Me:
I am 23 and now in my 3rd year of a photography degree. I bought a beautiful little 635 camera in a charity shop and immediately fell in love. I love photography and film and my favorite flavor is orange (capri sun, wine gums, lucozade) i like scary films and sugarless tea. I try not to ever take myself too seriously. You'll find more of my images on »link

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Umpsie ((), IE)Member since (2010-03-01) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,396/7,490) News Posts (1) Uploads (18)