

..befriended by 3 noidies
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Member: caine
Located: MünchenDE
Age: 39
Birthday: Jan 25.

Likes: travelling, polaroids, books, photography, chai tea, indie music, new zealand, art galleries and museums, kiwi

About Me:
Just got me a polaroid 680 slr and my very first films and started to take Polaroids - and i like it ^_^

Almost a year has passed since i first touched a polaroid and i'm still facinated by this poloroid world and i just love the sound it makes when you take a picture grrrwwll even better than the mirror clicking sound of my digital slr.

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caine (München, DE)Member since (2009-12-18) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,438/27,964) News Posts (0) Uploads (112)