

..befriended by 3 noidies
swishy   3/ 4

Member: swishy
Located: LiverpoolGB
Age: 40
Birthday: Aug 10.

Likes: films (watching and making), car boot sales

About Me:
at the moment of writing i have just finished a degree in 'moving image', a practical based film course at UCLAN Preston. I got a 2:2. Im from a place called Southport just down the road from Liverpool which I L O V E

Im into all sorts - music of many genres, films (watching and making. Don't ask me to pick a favourite though because there's to many :P

I like to drive, see friends, and I LOVE car boot sales :P you always find everything you've ever wanted and everything you've NEVER wanted :P Great finds can be anything from something from your childhood or something else that you've never seen before, the only down side being your house resembles a jumble sale at the end of it all!!

Nice URL's:
my lomo home

6 (Entries)
swishy (Liverpool, GB)Member since (2006-05-15) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,317/11,184) News Posts (6) Uploads (61)