

..befriended by 16 noidies
manu63   1/ 1

Member: manu63
Located: BolognaIT
Age: 61
Birthday: May 31.

About Me:
You know exactly how I feel about photography.
I would like to see it make people despise painting until something else will make phptography unbearable.
(Marcel Duchamp, 1922)

We believe in photography as ART… Also with a camera you can transform reality in fantasy, which is the first and necessary condition of art.
(Luigi Veronesi, 1947)

I paint what cannot be photographed, I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint.
(Man Ray, 1974)

1 (Entries)
manu63 (Bologna, IT)Member since (2008-02-28) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (4,016/30,154) News Posts (1) Uploads (63)