2006-02-17 // 10:51:24

Ooo favourite numbers. Well i have 2 numbers that mean something to me. 3 is my first number as it represents my boy, 6 is another one as it was the number of days it took me to realise that i had found my soulmate.

Altogether now..."Aaaaaaaaaaah"

2006-02-02 // 11:27:15

What is it worth getting? An sx-70 even though films are rare and expensive but you can bastardise 600 film to go in it OR save up for a 680 SLR which does take 600 film but is generally a more expensive camera?

2006-01-30 // 23:06:09

Soon to escape the hum drum of Manchester. Japan here i come, hopefully in time for the Hanami!!