2013-08-15 // 03:45:45 Hey all! wondering if there's a way o bring back to life or anyway of using some Polapan 100 with the pods completely dried out? cheers!
2011-03-23 // 18:26:55 humm.... the new B&W sure looks good but those borders ... didn't like it at all. Too "heavy" in my opinion.
2009-09-29 // 00:06:49 I don't know if someone already post this but here it go...
Apparently the last batch of Polaroid films are due to expire in october and the company are helding an exhibition at the Atlas Gallery »link in London. |
2009-05-12 // 19:36:10 Good for you casscameron...
2009-02-04 // 22:54:51 does anyone knows if there's a good software to eliminate fake polaroids?
2009-01-29 // 01:33:36 "i think there is sometimes the feeling that a picture is elevated simply by having a polaroid border around it (fake or real)."
Agree with that, just look at poladroid website »link and you'll get this feeling... but what i'm talking about here is that i like to keep as original as possible and those borders are so beautiful to be left off. |
2009-01-28 // 23:43:20 Wether a polaroid is fake or not without the border is a different matter, but in MY opinion a polaroid picture without border is not a polaroid anymore. If people feel that the border is needless that's fine.
2009-01-22 // 21:44:05 Why some people have this need of posting fake Polaroids pictures here? I mean ...if you're thinking that you fooling everyone here you are stupid because the only fool here is you with your fake pictures! What's the real point ?? I don't get it...
It's been almost a year since I don't post anything here but I definetely feel I'm part of this comunity, with so many good work around is just impossible not to check everyday. Now ...polaroid fakers ...get a life !!! you don't need to post everyday in order to be part of this comunity, you can contribute by leaving a compliment or criticize a real polaroid picture for example. ^ well foamed!
please continue to report the dirty criminals in my guestbook, so I can try to keep the site clean... thanxo webbolino |
2008-12-24 // 20:52:09 A happy Xmas o every one !
2008-11-29 // 20:37:18 I just can't afford to buy instant films anymore... I've got a few boxes left and that's it ! the prices are insanely high and i'm not really up to pay even if I have the money. I think £100.00 for the 55 is quite a lot ! Anyways... this is my opinion...