2008-12-31 // 13:58:56

just wanna thank everybody who voted my last series of pic and wish all of you a happy, crazy, insane, chillin', relaxed, artsy, sexy, beautiful, exciting, amazing, stunning, rollin', wavy, sweet, spicy, traveling, jumping, smiling, singing, lovely, rockin' and whatever else


2008-05-06 // 13:15:34

ohohoho yes finally!!!....obviously I confirm my presence and I hope that the other noiders are less lazy than they're showing, come on guys!!!

2008-02-17 // 12:32:32

Stunning surprise this morning here in paris, sorry for few words, just wanna thank everyone who voted and commented!

2007-12-19 // 13:26:16

Wow such a honour...thank so much to all of you polanoiders, really a joy in dark times!!!!