2007-12-28 // 01:26:23

new polas were added
about fog
on the ancient empty street's
too dead for dreaming

2007-11-04 // 14:16:41

no problem matznet, exposition will continue still many days...
it's there, it's free, it's under a roof

2007-11-03 // 01:34:50

cosa? segnalazione mostra 30 anni Autogrill

quando? prossimamente, domenica 4 novembre 07

dove? Italia -> Milano -> Galleria Vittorio Emanuele -> Ottagono (piazza centrale)

perchè? esposizione fotografie tra cui alcune pola presenti su polanoid.net

come? restate sintonizzati per prossimi aggiornamenti


what? 30 years Autogrill exposition

when? soon, Sunday 4th November 07

where? Italy -> Milan -> Gallery Vittorio Emanuele -> Octagon (center public square) (on the left looking Duomo)

why? expose some photos of mine including few pola present on polanoid.net

other? stay tuned for further news