2010-02-16 // 01:52:13

All Polaroid all the time!

Please see my new website @ www.ivanfineart.com

2009-04-04 // 22:25:01

I'm pleased to be in a group show at the " Center Gallery" April 24- May 22. the show is titled "End of an Era" and is all Polaroid work. Please check it out @:


2009-02-22 // 22:55:38

I suspect there will never be a replacement for time zero film.
There is so much goo/developer chemical inside the pod which makes it great to manipulate. Either it is too expensive or hazardous to keep making.

2008-08-29 // 00:20:20

I just did a redesign on my web site.
Please check it out :) www.ivanfineart.com

2008-04-05 // 22:51:34

I just opened a solo Exhibition at Newspace Center for Photography in Portland Oregon.

It will run through April. Please see more at(newspacephoto.org)

2007-12-31 // 23:57:58

Happy New Year everyone!
I really want to thank all my wonderful friends here for all of their support and encouragement. I had one of my best years of photography ever!!
I wish you all the best in the next year!!!

2007-10-31 // 06:23:09

thank you all for your views and votes on SOTD.
It is so nice to hear from so many of you!

2007-09-30 // 20:32:52

Just spent 2 weeks in Europe and thought of all my Polanoid friends there :)

Shot a lot of film but no Polaroid. I will post some of the new stuff on my website that I shot with my Diana plastic camera soon.

2007-06-25 // 03:54:11

Just did a series of selfportraits and I'm really stoked with the results!!

Please check them out and drop me a line!

2006-12-05 // 06:50:23

And here I thought you would all know that many old school pioneers of photography manipulated their photos to get what they wanted. Ansel Adams, Man Ray and Jerry Uelsmann just to name a few. Does it really matter that I use the most current technology to do it?
So if I use Photoshop to make the sky darker Like Ansel Adams did with the technology he had I'm not a PURE artist or photographer now??
Just to be clear here, the manipulation I have used for my photos is completely manual until several recent works where I have stated that I have cut an existing time zero print in photoshop after scanning. The effects in this shot are still done very old school or pure as some may say without the use of photoshop manipulation.
I would also like to say that I have been shooting nothing but time zero sx-70 film for my fine art for about 10 years now.
I have, however felt a bias on this site because I haven't wished to share my technique and some have seen this as???? well I'm really not sure.......
Just about every person on this earth has a pencil and paper but does it make them a writer or author? Many people now have digital cameras.........Are they Photographers or artists?

As I display my work from Polaroids and see them as rich lambda prints at 20x20 inches square and on some occasion 30x30 inches, I feel I'm using my voice as a photographer and a technique that allows me to express myself in a way that I never thought possible….
Thanks to the magic of Polaroid.