2008-11-07 // 12:54:26 I agree with the " WHEN YOU ARE JUST A LITTLE TOY THE WORLD IS AN AWFULLY BIG PLACE" Project winning photo, but what about this rule???
.... toys be photographed in public. New work only, please. Once more: only submit pictures you have made for the project specifically. Projects are about being spontaneously creative on short notice. Old work will be politely ignored. ...also rule are politely ignored?? bye bye |
2008-05-16 // 09:40:06 Polanoiders Meeting 18 May 2008 9.00-18.00
Limena (PADOVA) ITALY at Barchessa (municipio) Exibition, workshop, ideas, exchange, etc. |
2008-02-08 // 00:11:14 My polagrams (leafs) used here: »link