2007-08-23 // 00:48:05

just (finally) joined Flickr. email me or guestbook message me your account and we can be Flickr friends!

xoxo kristen

2007-08-23 // 00:43:26

thanks for the sotd, folks! much appreciated, as always. you all are my sunshine.


2007-06-26 // 01:22:16

note to the wise: plllllleeease don't upload three hundred pictures of your friends getting drunk or hanging out all at once. at least spread it out. please. please.


2007-06-25 // 00:14:51

i took the train, not the bus. too many touristy types on the bus.


2007-04-02 // 17:10:41

Thanks to Mr. Meister and all the pretty pola people for Shot of the Day. My life is complete now....I do believe I can die a happy girl!

Happy April, everyone!

xo kristen

2007-03-16 // 04:48:55

My laptop was broken and now its back and all fixed and pretty! I have a lot of catching up to do, scanning wise. I've taken a gazillion pictures since I last uploaded.... these will have to do for now. Your feedback is always much appreciated, folks!

xo kristen

2007-03-06 // 22:52:21

Does anyone know where to get expired sx70 film at a decent price? I've grown accustomed to shelter and food and what not.

xoxo kristen

2007-02-23 // 07:46:46

Today was just odd. I felt loopy all day because I just never got around to sleeping last night, for some reason unbeknownst to me. Had to pick up a cheap-ass, lightweight rental car which was blowing all over the road in the storm today. I should've sledded to school.

I'm from the South, hence I'm not a big Snow Fan. The stuff is practically a foreign concept, really. However, tonight was magical. Something about the way it was falling, or the way I was blowing around on the highway in that tin can car (think Dorothy in 'Wizard of Oz', tornado scene), or the fact that I was feeling nearly intoxicated for lack of rest and sustenance.... whatever it was, I got out of a particularly disturbing Forensics lecture and went straight out and bought film and started shooting. This and that. Whatever caught my eye. Mostly blurry snowflakes and dim trees and one prissy Olympic hopeful, whose skating practice I most rudely interupted. Oh well. That's half the fun....

Forgot how exhilarating a one-woman-photo-snow-safari can be!

xo kristen

2007-02-20 // 04:01:11

I am in desperate need of some decent film for my sx-70. Decently priced, as well, preferably. Any suggestions? I'm getting a little wary of the yellow tones and overexposures with the 600 film. Its bumming me out.

I'm off to get some espresso, I think. I happen to be in desperate need of caffeine, as well.

xo kristen

2007-02-04 // 08:55:40

Just got my first sx-70/land camera. Its a little worn, but absolutely beautiful and it was only $35 including s&h. Can't beat that! I've been using regular ol' 600 film with it, which is working fine for now, until I can nab some Time Zero or sx-70 blend.