2007-01-22 // 22:41:37

New version of my portphotolio is up. I wanted larger pieces, I wanted some space. Tristero : Click here : »link

2007-01-20 // 22:02:07

By "redundant" i meant a "All night long" sex.
You know, just like in this Lionel Richie hit.
^ jaja, stop making up excuses
I have already forgiven you your affront
my heart is big

(almost as big as my... big toe)

^ and now please shut up and keep the newsfeed free for less sexmaniac folx, talking about their *polaroid pictures* - that's what this site is actually about!

..and start uploading - still a long way to go till you earned your unforgettable 100.000 night!


2007-01-20 // 21:48:44

I wanna upload the 100,000th polaroid on polanoid and have a full-lenght night of exquisite and redundant sex with webbiwebbo.
^ I see no problem with neither "full-length" nor "exquisite"
..but I'm not sure if I'm not pouting too much about your use of the word "redundant" in this context.

I fear, you're not worth me if you say such absurd things...


2007-01-19 // 23:24:49


2007-01-19 // 21:57:01

20rh of January will be the 50000th polanoid upload day contest.
Upload Upload!

2007-01-16 // 20:09:19

You're damn right, mistercash, it's on the "So Young But So Cold" comp. And it got polanoise in it.

2007-01-16 // 19:35:07

Another song including "Polaroid" within itself, it's a french song from the new-wave era.

Ruth: Roman Photo

Polaroïd, roman photo
Aimant les flashes sentimentaux
Humanoïde, incognito
Amour impossible et mélo

Pellicule impressionnable
Petite bulle inconsolable
Je n'ai pas l'âge d'être sage
Comme une image, dommage, Dommage

Polaroïd, roman photo
Aimant les flashes sentimentaux
Humanoïde, incognito
Amour impossible et mélo

Tu sais je suis si sensible
A la lumière et inaccessible
Devant ton zoom mets un filtre rose
Si tu veux si tu veux que je pose

Polaroïd, roman photo
Aimant les flashes sentimentaux
Humanoïde, incognito
Amour impossible et mélo

Trois petits tours dans ta rétine
Pour tes nuits blanches intimes
Mais c'est toi qui mets les mots
Dans les bulles, somnambule

Polaroïd, roman photo
Aimant les flashes sentimentaux
Humanoïde, incognito
Amour impossible et mélo

Tu sais je suis si sensible
A la lumière et inaccessible
Devant ton zoom mets un filtre rose
Si tu veux si tu veux que je pose

Polaroïd, roman photo
Aimant les flashes sentimentaux
Humanoïde, incognito
Amour impossible et mélo

2007-01-08 // 00:12:48

WebbiWebbo : is there a way that in the new "I wanna..." navigation you can include "be your dog"?

2007-01-07 // 17:01:48

I think it works like this : On each polaroid faved and commented with this tip by someone, when you look at this "someone"'s favs, you can see the special-favy-comment by this "someone", and only this one.

2007-01-07 // 16:41:46

Anyway, 'tis good CarmieCarmo..!!